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Socio-emotional development and teaching 'soft' skills'

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

It takes more than "hard skills", technical proficiency and factual knowledge to succeed in the world at large, even more so as the world shifts to increasing automation and interconnectivity. We need these hard skills, but we also need to communicate and collaborate effectively with others, to resolve conflicts, to think critically and solve problems, to empathize with diverse individuals, and to be adaptable to a variety of challenges, changes, and a future that grows more uncertain and unpredictable each day.

The terms “social and emotional skills” and “soft skills” to refer to a broad set of cognitive, social, and emotional competencies that affect how students interact with each other, solve problems, make decisions, and feel about themselves.

Below is a chart from The Future of Jobs Report 2020, detailing the relative importance of various skill groups. The importance of critical thinking and problem solving are increasing, while the value of core literacies and physical abilities are slowly decreasing.

If we are to prepare students adequately for life beyond the classroom, then soft skills must have a prominent place in their education. This means lessons and activities specifically geared towards developing these skills, not only including them as an afterthought or supplement to more traditional style lessons. There are many exciting ways to accomplish this, for example Project Based Learning and Student Centered Learning.

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