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International Penpal Project

This blog post was created as part of my M. Ed. Module: “Introduction to Learning Technologies”

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. First, a quick introduction - I’m Liz (or “Mrs. Powell” to my students). I’m originally from South Africa, but currently working and living in Japan with my family. We’ve also spent some time in South Korea and Myanmar. I love being an international teacher because there are so many opportunities to meet interesting people and have new experiences. At present I’m an elementary teacher, but would like to branch out, perhaps teaching older students or focusing on a specialized subject, like English Literature (hence this masters!). My current goal and future hope is to find a school where we can settle down and really grow with the community. I’m very new to the IB PYP curriculum, and hope to strengthen my practice in the next few years. I feel very blessed to have found this school in Japan, I think we’ll stay here a while! 頑張って みんな! You can read more about me here.

In this blog post, I’ll provide an overview of an exciting project that my 3rd graders are working on as part of their English and Inquiry units - a penpal letter!

This project will address the following ISTE standard (Brooks-Young, 2017): 

Global Connections (Age Band Articulation: Ages 8–11 / Grade 3)

Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

1.7.a. Students use digital tools to work with friends and people from different backgrounds or cultures.

1.7.d. Students work with others using collaborative technologies to explore local and global issues.

This project will also address the following Grade 3 ELA Writing Standards (Oklahoma Academic Standards, 2021):

3.7.W Students will communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings by combining two or more kinds of content - writing/alphabetic, sound, visual, and/or spatial, movement.

3.8.W Students will write independently using print, cursive, and/or typing for various lengths of time, choosing modes and genres to suit their audience and purpose.

Our 3rd grade students in Japan are about to embark on an exciting penpal adventure with the 3rd graders from an international school in Myanmar. Students have been provided with a basic frame and checklist for the kinds of language they need to use, and the general topic and structure of their first letter (e.g. using sentences with “because”, “when”, “if”, using adjectives, writing about their hobbies and fun things to do in their city). Students from Japan and Myanmar have been paired up, and we have shared the names and photos of the students with each other prior to starting their letter. 

Students will have some freedom in choosing what the final format of the “letter” will look like. Using our classroom iPads, students are free to make video of themselves; they can put together a gallery with photos and drawings, they may type their letter or record their voices, they may create a slideshow or presentation, etc. As part of the writing component, students will be asked to submit a written letter / script as well. The 3rd graders from Myanmar will do the same. This English & Inquiry project will continue throughout the year, and subsequent letters and topics will sync up with later units. Students will also do a reflection on this project, particularly sharing what kinds of technology and communication mediums they found the most fun and useful for this project, to share with their peers. 

This project fulfills the above standards in that students are using digital tools to communicate with their peers in a different country, and are provided the opportunity to reflect on the differences and similarities between each other and their countries. Although there is some guidance, students have the opportunity to work independently and to choose a medium of communication that is best suited to their preferences and interests. 

This project also includes the following aspects of Kolb’s Triple E Framework (2020):

Engagement (Guided practice, Software tour, Teacher monitoring, Co-use or co-engagement, Purposeful partnering) - Teachers are providing some guidance and a framework for students to follow, to ensure that they meet the appropriate language and inquiry goals, and have a thorough understanding of the technological tools and options available to them. 

Enhancement (Self reflective practices, Visual representations of learning, Differentiation, Personalization): By choosing their own platforms, tools and style of presentation for the letter, this project caters to different interests and abilities. Students can reflect on and share their experiences with their peers.

Extension (Real world issues, Engage students in authentic discourse with others, Use authentic tools that are prominent in everyday life) - Students are connecting with real peers in a foreign country, and provided with an authentic opportunity for communication, using tools and platforms that are commonly used outside the classroom. 

This is our first time running this project, so we are very excited to learn and grow together! 


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Emily Silin
Emily Silin
Jun 28

Hello Liz,

I am also an international school teacher who has worked in China and Germany, but I would love to go to Japan! I visited on vacation a few years ago and really enjoyed the culture (especially the food)!

I love the idea of doing a pen pal project! And it seems like you are in a great position to set something up internationally with your connections to other international schools. I remember writing pen pal letters as a child, and I think adding in the additional technological element with pictures and slideshows will make it even more engaging. Great work!

-Emily Silin

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