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Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

The science is in. Mindset matters. The traditional belief that intelligence and potential are pre-determined and not something that an individual can change, i.e. a fixed mindset, has been debunked time and time again. And yet many teachers, parents and students still buy into this belief that you have to accept the cards you're dealt. Maybe you just aren't meant to be an artist, or a CEO, or an athlete. Maybe you just aren't good with languages, or don't have a head for numbers.....

The science disagrees. The brain is actually far more malleable (brain plasticity) than previously thought. This means that our brains can grow new neural connections, strengthen existing ones and function with increasing speed - all based on our beliefs, actions and habits.

Providing students with a growth mindset, i.e. helping them believe that it is possible to improve, enjoy and master things they struggle with, leads to increased motivation and achievement. This is further bolstered by creating a safe space in which failures are seen as part of the learning process, instead of students being penalized or punished for mistakes.

It's just as important for the teacher to have a growth mindset (about their students and themselves) as it is to instill it in their students. We cannot expect behavior that we do not model ourselves. As teachers, we are also in a process of continual learning, re-skilling, and building relationships. The values of the growth mindset are just as applicable to teachers, and to any person beyond the classroom, as it is to our students. We do not stop learning and growing once we graduate high school or university! If anything, life becomes even more challenging as we age, and being able to meet those challenges and the changing world with the right attitude is vital at any age.

Are you curious about what kind of mindset you have? Take this quiz to find out.

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